

March 1987 - Two seminars on ‘the teaching of literature in Morocco’, MATE conference, Marrakech, Morocco.

February 1989 - Lecture, ‘Critical perspectives in recent feminist writing’ and seminar on ‘Thomas Wyatt’s “Whoso list to hunt”’ at University Mohammed I, Oujda, Morocco.

March 1989 - In-service training sessions for Peace Corps volunteers in Morocco. Sessions on the structure and organization of English departments in Moroccan universities, courses, examinations, and grading. Round table on third and fourth-year literature courses.

April 1994 - Panel discussions: ‘Women’s Studies at the university’, and ‘Cultural Studies at the university’, at the conference, ‘Cultural Studies, Interdisciplinarity, and the University’, University Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco.

January 1995 - Presentation: ‘Putting the focus on the students and the text, not the teacher’, at the conference, ‘New Approaches to American Literary Studies’, Faculty of Letters, La Manouba, Tunis, Tunisia.

April 1996 - Lecture: ‘Women and politics in Virginia Woolf’, to the Women’s Studies Group, Faculty of Letters, University Moulay Ismail, Meknes, Morocco. Nov. 1996 Presentation: ‘Women and power: a Foucauldian approach to Margaret Thatcher’ at the British Council Open University Seminar on British Studies, Marrakech, Morocco.

April 1998 - Presentation: ‘Postmodernism: shopping for images’, in a panel on ‘Postmodernism in Literature’, at the Turko-British Association, Ankara, Turkey.

November 2003 - Presentation on ‘Edward Said: Achievements and Controversies’ in the Comparative Literature Seminar Series, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.

December, 2005 - Keynote speaker ‘Graham and Barbara Greene in Liberia: Two Accounts of a Journey without Maps” at the conference, ‘Graham Greene and His Work, Middle Eastern Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
